Magnesia chrome bricks is a special refractory brick widely used in high temperature environment, such as steel smelting furnace, glass melting furnace and other

industrial equipment. Its main components are magnesium oxide (MgO) and chromium oxide (Cr₂O₃), which have excellent fire resistance and wear resistance at high


The production process usually involves mixing magnesia sand and chrome ore and forming bricks through high temperature sintering. The manufacturing process of this

brick requires strict control of temperature and ratio to ensure that its performance meets the standard.


High refractoriness: it can withstand very high temperatures, usually above 1700℃, and is suitable for extremely high temperature industrial furnace.

Erosion resistance: It has strong resistance to erosion by molten metal and molten glass, which can extend the service life of furnace lining.

Thermal stability: it shows good thermal stability during rapid heating and cooling, and can adapt to drastic temperature changes.

Mechanical strength: This brick material still maintains high mechanical strength at high temperature and can withstand greater physical pressure and impact.

Factors for choosing:

When choosing, you need to pay attention to several key factors, including refractoriness, thermal stability and erosion resistance. High-quality bricks can maintain

mechanical strength at high temperatures and effectively resist the erosion of molten metal. By understanding these performance indicators, you can choose the best suit

your industrial needs and ensure the long-term stable operation of your equipment.

Applications of magnesia-chrome brick:

Magnesia-chrome bricks play a vital role in the steel smelting process. Their high refractoriness and wear resistance make them an ideal material for steel furnace linings.

it can effectively resist the erosion of high-temperature molten metals, reduce the frequency of furnace lining replacement, and thus reduce maintenance costs. Best

choice for high temperature applications Magnesia-chrome bricks are the preferred material for high temperature industries, especially for steel smelting and glass


Production process and quality control:

The quality of magnesia-chrome bricks directly affects their performance in high temperature environments. In the production process, every step is critical, from raw

material selection to high-temperature sintering. The manufacture of high-quality magnesia-chrome bricks requires strict quality control to ensure their refractoriness and

wear resistance under extreme conditions.

Market trends and development prospects of magnesia-chrome brick:

With the growth of high-temperature industrial demand, the magnesia-chrome brick market is also developing. The application of new technologies and the improvement

of production processes have improved the performance of magnesia-chrome bricks.